Thank You For Joining Us - 06-06-2021
Aloha, Thank you for joining us last Sunday. It was good to connect with you and to hear how you have a long-standing relationship with Living Faith Baptist Church. You have caught us in the middle of our "Make Disciples" Series. Jesus said, There are two invitations Jesus calls us to embrace. First, He asks us to be his disciple. If you are already a follower of Jesus, remind yourself daily of this awesome privilege. Second, He calls us to make disciples. He wants us to see that every person is a potential follower of Christ. No matter where you go, remind yourself of the privilege of being called a child of God, and let's obey Him by sharing Jesus with others. Here at Living Faith Baptist Church, we desire that you grow in Christ. You may join us on Saturday prayer, online small groups and discipleships and online service. Get connected with us through or a...