08-08-21 All Will Be Offended (Matthew 26:31-56)

(*) Priority

1. Jesus, quoting Zechariah 13:7, said "smite the Shepherd and the sheep will be scattered". When have you felt: 

a. Leaderless?

b. Purposeless?

c. Had trouble making a major decision?

*2. In what ways have you, in effect, denied Christ before others?

*3. In what way have you compared yourself favorably to other:

a. Christians?

b. Non-Christians?

What should be our attitude toward others?

*4. When were either "asleep" or "awake" to the spiritual battle around you?

5. When did you try to fight a spiritual battle either:

a. In your own flesh; or 

b. On your own terms; rather than through Christ or on his term?  What were the results?

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