Live It Out! Service

Congratulations!  Last Sunday you marked in your decision to take your next step to help in the church.   The church is never complete without you - and in the same token, you can never be complete unless you are serving in the church.  

"Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others.  Be good servants of God's gifts of grace"
1 Peter 4:10, NCV)

I want to affirm your decision so take the time to read this devotional by Rick Warren on the topic, Your Significance Comes From Serving.   

What's your next step?  Our ministry team would like to help you discover your next steps, your spiritual gifts, and your place of service in the church.  In the next few days,  _____________ will reach out to you to begin this process.  Of course, you can always send me a message and let me know how else I can help you.  

Lastly,  let's not forget to celebrate what God is doing in your life.  Feel free to comment below with any thoughts you may have.  

In His Service, 

Pastor Bong Abagon 


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