A Call To Prayer - January 2021 Pastors Newsletter

 Aloha Dear Church Family, 

Last Wednesday, our United States of America went through a horrific ordeal where the Capitol was breached by rioting individuals and eventually killing people.   Succeeding events is a whirlwind of political maneuvers.  Whatever your political conviction, you and I will agree that our nation needs a bigger and greater help.   

Our nation is hurting and all of us are affected.   Only Jesus can offer peace and hope to every individual of our beloved country.   This is one of the many promises Jesus gives to those who follow Him.   He said in John 14:27:


Beginning today, I am calling our congregation to set a time to pray for our nation.  Every day let's pause for a few minutes at 1:20pm until 1/20 (January 20) when the new president is sworn in.   

  • Pray for the outgoing Vice President Mike Pence as he plays a crucial role in the power of balance.  Pray for his family too.  
  • Pray for the house of congress and the senate in their efforts to keep the transition of power peaceful.  
  • Pray for outgoing President Trump and his family as they help transition to the new government.  
  • Pray for the incoming President of the United States, Joe Biden, and his incoming Vice-President Kamela Harris that they may choose the righteous road in governing the land.  


During church this month, we will be talking about relationships among husbands and wives, children and their parents, and employers and employees all found in Ephesians 5 and 6.  January 2021 is a good month to assess a new beginning so please consider these two initiatives:  (1) Be a part of a Small group; (2) Read the Bible in a year.   You may contact Annie at annie.k.y.lam@gmail.com and Johnny at lauzones@gmail.com for more information.     

Come alongside Living Faith Baptist Church in praying for our nation and growing in the Lord through the church.  

In His Service, 

Pastor Michael "Bong" Abagon      


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