My Thanksgiving Story



  1. Thank You Dear Jesus for my good life with little pain and my good family and most of all my friends from church. The church friends give me great comfort. Thank you Jesus. Please continue pour your precious blood over me when I am suffering and to bless me and my family and friends. In Jesus name,

  2. I can't believe it's another year. Thank you Jesus for being so kind to us. Thank you for taking care of families. And thank you for loving friends. All this pandemic has been very real to us. But you all the more has been greater than ever. Thank you for being so good and so kind.

  3. As a husband, I am thankful to Selina who has blessed me with her patience and caring, especially when I had to endure long hours of stress and grievance. As a father, I am thankful to Caleb who has matured to engage in dialogues about future career and daily affairs. I have also learned about some cool restaurants from him. As a son, I am thankful to how my mom was received by God through confirmations from my church families and Selina. For my career, I am thankful for how God has shaped and blessed me to serve him at work over a span of 11 years with four different companies. As a child of God, I am simply thankful and content, surrendering my ill intent and unGodly characters.

  4. "To write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry; nor could the scroll contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky." - The Love of God, by Frederick M. Lehman 1917. 2021 flashes by so quickly! I am thankful for the vaccine and Canada reopening its borders to Americans. Thankful for the life-changing transitions for my brother, my sister, my nephew and my son. Thankful for mom and dad finding a great new doctor 5-minutes from home. Thankful for K-drama. Thankful for unending personal growth and enrichment opportunities. Thankful for partnerships with Pastor Bong and International Ministries. Thankful for lessons learned in empathy for people with cancer, chronic illness and mental health issues. Thankful for my small group ladies and all the prayer warriors surrounding me. Thankful for my significant other, Peter.

  5. For me I am thankful that I have been able to received and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Majority of my life I live without Jesus. I realize how much Jesus love me and has not forsaken me. I found a purpose with a relationship with Jesus. This year I am especially thankful that I am bless to be able to care for my mom after her recent surgery. God has given me strength through this journey. Do not fear for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand. Isiah 41:10. Thank you Jesus for your love and blessing upon me. Thank you also for surrounding me with your Christian family who continue to love, encourage, guide and help me through difficult times and through my spiritual walk. Amen

  6. I’m thankful for my family and friends and that I was able to see some of them on the mainland during the past year. I thank God that I was able to attend my uncle’s funeral and spend time with my extended family, that I was able to attend my brother’s wedding, and that my nephew found a job that makes use of his college degree. I thank God that although my husband has health issues, he is more or less stable, and I pray that he will recover his strength and energy. I’m also grateful that after many years of not making a relationship with the Lord a priority, I was able to rediscover my faith through contact with Living Faith Baptist Church. This connection has helped me feel less isolated during the pandemic. The sermons and spiritual guidance of Pastor Bong, the encouragement of the prayer group and the support from the small group with Annie, Kathy and Calisa have strengthen my relationship with the Lord and allowed me to “experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.” Even though I was removed from God for a long time, I always felt that something was missing, and my life can only be “made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.” For this realization, I am truly thankful.

  7. Too many to be thankful . . .

    I am thankful to have a God who loves me and my family, protect us and keep us safe & healthy.
    I am thankful that we have the freedom to worship Him.
    I am thankful to God for Gemini, Jonathan & Naomi for being so loving and patience to me.
    I am thankful to God who provide all our needs: a job, a home and a car.
    I am thankful to God for my siblings, in-laws, friends, co-workers & students.
    I am MOST thankful ... ALL OF THE ABOVE is not a MUST but is by HIS GRACE He had given to us.

    From Alissa: I am thankful for my score in Japanese, I didn’t do that bad! I’m also thankful for the usual: my family, friends, that everything is still ok during COVID. I’m thankful for having joined the bowling team and that Nathan seems to be doing ok in college.

    From Vanessa: I'm thankful that my friends and family weren't impacted by covid very harshly. I'm also thankful that I'm able to maintain my 4.0 gpa.

    From Riley: I'm thankful for my family, friends, and dogs. Also for our 4 day break from school.

  8. I am grateful to have a special wife as my soul mate. With her I am never bored. For better or worse!

  9. Thank you, God, thank you for the many blessings you have given us in the past years...what we have seen, and what we haven't seen. God, thank you for saying "No" many times. They help us rely more on you. God, thank you for your unanswered prayers. It reminds us that even if our opinions differ, you know what is best for us. Thank you for keeping things. You protected us from things we might never realize. Thank you, God, for closing the door sometimes. They prevent us from going where you do not want us to go. Lord, thank you for the pain in our lives. They help us to understand your suffering more closely on our behalf. And lastly, thank you God for arranging us with Pastors , brothers and sisters as my family. They have always been there for us in our times of need.


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