Thank you for your presence last sunday


God has amazingly blessed us last Sunday because of your presence.  With that, I want to thank you.   Our topic of "Overcoming Fears of Making Disciples"  is a lesson to all of us.  Beyond the principles we learned, God wants to encourage us to develop faith.   

Jesus said, If you can have faith as size of a mustard seed, you can ask this mountain to move from here to there and it will move (Matthew 17:20).  

We hope and pray that your faith had been strengthened last Sunday. We hope your faith remains strong throughout this week.  

Living Faith Baptist Church has many opportunities to strengthen someone's faith: 

  • Small Groups Ministries - different ages and different days of the week
  • Church Prayer Time - Saturday morning via Zoom
  • Worship Service - Sunday, 9:30am
  • Fellowship Groups - Sunday, 10:45am
We hope you can find your way back again to Living Faith Baptist Church.  Let Annie at or Johnny at know if you have questions about our church.  

In His Service, 

Pastor Bong 


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