Remain Steadfast

I want to thank Pastor Jim Breckenridge who preached for us the past three Sundays challenging us to remain steadfast and chose Jesus in everything.  This is a timely reminder as we experience a new restriction in the fight over COVID-19.   Pastor Jim has traveled back to Virginia and will continue to serve as Army Chaplain.   

Let's continue to pray for the college students who had already made a transition or are about to move to the mainland.  I want us also to pray and welcome back those who have traveled to be with their family.   

These next Sundays, we will look at what it means to move forward when you feel stuck by looking at interesting bible characters of the Old Testament.   This study will focus on helping you take a step back, refocus on vision, take a gutsy move like undoing what does not work, and taking a calculative move that is filled with hope and faith.   

Living Faith Baptist Church
477 N. King Street Honolulu 
9:30am - In-Person and Online Worship Service
10:30am - Fellowship Groups

We continue to pray for you.   We pray for healing for discouraged hearts, pray for steadfastness for undecisive will and pray for opportunities for those needing direction.   Don't forget to make comments below or call or text me at (808) 741-6294 should there be any way I can be of help to you.  

In His Service, 

Pastor Bong 


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