Live It Out! More of God's Word 1.0

  God is never quiet and He constantly wants to reveal Himself.   The Bible says, 

Congratulations on your decision to continue your journey with God by reading His word.  May I affirm you on your choice to know God in His word by sharing Rick Warren's devotional entitled, How To Welcome God's Word into Your Heart.

May I suggest a few more steps you need to take to discover God and His mysteries? 

  • Necessary tools.   As practical as this advice, you need a pen and a paper together with your own Bible.   As you read, don't hesitate to mark your Bible or make take notes.  They will come in handy on days when you want to meditate more or a question you can ask later. 
  • Our church is committed to guiding you to read the whole bible.  Click here to sign up for a bible reading program.      
There are many exciting ways to discover God's riches in His Word.  Please let me know when you are ready to dive deeper and feel free to send me a message or post any thoughts below.   I celebrate your decision. 

In His Service, 

Pastor Bong Abagon 


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